Climate Change Risk Threshold Database

The Risk Threshold Database (RTD) compiles climate parameter levels whose exceedence would increase the likelihood of damages and losses (D&Ls) associated with a given asset, investment, or locality. These can be applied to climate change screening of public assets, investments, and sub-national governments using the Geospatial Planning and Budgeting Platform (GPBP).

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Hazard Criticality Threshold Risk is calculated based on the magnitude (e.g. 30°C) of a given hazard/climate parameter (e.g. daily maximum temperature) that is liable to cause material adverse consequences for the integrity, efficiency, or performance of a given asset type.

Exposure Tolerance Threshold Risk is calculated based the aggregate frequency/duration (in days) within a given unit of time (e.g. one year) that a given Hazard Criticality Threshold is exceeded. Thresholds may be tailored by the user taking account of local risk tolerance or assumed levels of resilience of a given asset type.

Geospatial Planning and Budgeting Platform